Janet Berry – Guest Contributor
Nov 5 2017
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On Friday, November 3, 2017, the Colony Meadows Elementary PTO pulled out all the stops when it came to an evening of fun for the students.  A series of events were planned in which the students walked out from school that day and experienced one fantastic event after another until bedtime and then woke up to even more fun- all while still on campus! 

The marathon extravaganza started off with a carnival after school where the students and their families put their game faces on with carnival type games and prizes.  If the competition got too fierce, breathers could be taken at the jump houses, rock wall, crafts and listening to the choir sing.   Of course smashing confetti eggs on each other’s heads was a pretty popular option as well.  Students also had the opportunity to put their favorite teachers and friends in jail for a spell! 

After the carnival came to a close, the evening shifted gears with the arrival of pizza and the start of the outdoor movie.  Preparation for overnight campus camping in a tent began as “How to Eat Fried Worms” played on a big screen outdoors.  Over 50 tents lined the playground and running track on the CME school grounds!  Right before “lights out” was declared, a rousing game of flashlight tag was played to get the last bit of energy out to ensure a good sleep in sleeping bags. Morning came, faster that some had hoped, and with it a dense fog that lent a true camping like feeling as rural landmarks faded in the haze.  All sleepy head ailments were cured with yummy donuts, coffee and hot chocolate. 

This evening was a night to remember and that is what making childhood memories are all about.  However, none of these memories couldn’t have been created without the support of all the awesome PTO members, CME staff, CME families, Volunteers and most importantly, the PTO member, event coordinator, Lana Mistretta.