Riley Heruska
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From now until next week is the absolute best time to embrace a cozy atmosphere within your home. According to the current weather forecast, we could be seeing some pretty cold temperatures this next weekend, so let's bundle up and make our homes the perfect holiday retreat. Here are a few recommendations that will take your home to a level even Santa himself would take pride in. 

Drape blankets across your couches and chairs
. Whether you're a fan of comfy knits of fuzzy faux-fur pieces, nothing makes a home feel warmer than an abundance of blankets to cuddle up with. Bonus points if you can find blankets with holiday patterns and colors. 

Swap out your usual throw pillows for more festive decor. HomeGoods, Target, and many other stores have a plethora of adorable Christmas pillows to choose from, and they'll definitely up the coziness factor significantly. 

Light a few candles throughout the space. Hopefully, your house already smells amazing from all of the Christmas baking, but a few extra yummy scents never hurt anyone. Plus, who doesn't love looking at the flickering lights? Go with holiday-themed scents like pine trees and vanilla for a little extra cheer. 

Get a toasty fire going. Although it's not that cold here in Texas, we'll take any excuse to get a blaze going in the fireplace. Roast marshmallows or simply warm your cold toes up while listening to Christmas tunes. 

Set out some tea and hot chocolate mixes in the kitchen. You can never have enough warm drinks during this time of year, and it gives you an excuse to use all of your favorite holiday mugs. 

String up plenty of cheerful garlands and soft lights. The glow of sparkling lights and the warmth of green garlands will make any home feel festive and welcoming. 

Let holiday movies play in the background. Even if you aren't planning on sitting down to enjoy a film together, put on a classic Christmas movie as you bake and hang out. Personally, I'd recommend It's a Wonderful Life or perhaps A Charlie Brown Christmas

Place some festive plants around the house. Trader Joe's has an awesome selection of poinsettias and other flowers, along with amazing cinnamony decorations. 

Leave snack trays scattered throughout the kitchen and living area. Peanut brittle, cinnamon candy, brownies, cookies, whatever floats your boat. By placing them in easily accessible locations, you'll encourage people to relax and indulge. 

Adorn your coffee table with holiday-themed books for both children and adults. Snuggling up to read a Christmas novel together is a great way to pass cold evenings. Don't forget to include picture books for the little ones. 

How do you make your home feel cozier at this time of year? Leave recommendations for other BubbleLife readers in the comments! 

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